At MyProMovers & Storage, we strive to make your move as smooth and stress-free as possible. One important aspect of achieving this is understanding and securing moving insurance. It is crucial in protecting your belongings during transit. We offer extensive moving services in Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC, ensuring that your relocation is handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

What is Moving Insurance?

Moving insurance is a specialized type of insurance designed to protect your belongings during a move. While general home insurance policies might cover certain aspects of your household belongings, they often do not extend coverage to items in transit. This is where moving insurance comes into play. The primary purpose of moving insurance is to provide coverage and compensate for any loss or damage to your items while they are being transported to your new home. This ensures that, in the unfortunate event of an accident, you are not left to bear the financial burden alone.

Types of Moving Insurance

When considering moving insurance, it's important to understand the different types available. This ensures you select the coverage that best fits your needs.

Full Value Protection is the most comprehensive moving insurance option. Under this plan:

  • The moving company is liable for the replacement value of your goods.
  • If any items are lost, damaged, or destroyed, the company has the option to repair, replace, or provide a cash settlement based on the item's current market value.
  • This type of insurance often comes at an additional cost, but it offers the highest level of protection.

Released Value Protection is the most basic coverage:

  • It is usually offered at no additional cost.
  • Liability is limited to $0.60 per pound per item, regardless of the actual value of the item.

Third-Party Insurance allows you to purchase coverage from an independent insurance provider:

  • These policies can offer more extensive coverage than what moving companies provide.
  • It’s often recommended if you have high-value items or if you're moving long distances.


  • Flexibility in coverage options.
  • Potentially lower premiums for high coverage limits.

Custom Insurance Policies are tailored specifically to your needs:

  • These policies are ideal for movers with unique or high-value items, such as artwork, antiques, or collectibles.
  • You and your insurance provider can agree on specific terms that ensure the best protection possible.


  • You might want to insure a rare painting for its full appraised value, ensuring it is fully covered during the move.

Why You Need Moving Insurance

Moving is an intricate process with numerous variables that can potentially go wrong. This is where moving insurance becomes indispensable. Here are some reasons why securing moving insurance is crucial for a smooth and worry-free relocation.

Real-Life Scenarios Showcasing the Need for Insurance

Accidents and unforeseen events can happen despite the best precautions, you can take a look at our local moving guide. Consider these scenarios:

  1. Weather-Related Damage: Unpredictable weather like heavy rain or snow could damage your belongings.
  2. Traffic Accidents: Even experienced drivers can face accidents. A collision could result in significant damage to your items.
  3. Handling Mishaps: Movers handle numerous boxes, and an accidental drop could break valuable items.
  4. Theft: During long-distance moves, theft could occur, leaving you without your valuable belongings.

Risks Involved in Moving Without Insurance

Without insurance, you are responsible for any damages or losses during the move. Here are the risks:

  • Financial Burden: Repairing or replacing damaged/lost items out-of-pocket can be costly.
  • Emotional Stress: Losing sentimental or valuable items can cause significant emotional distress.
  • Delay in Settling In: Reordering and awaiting replacements can delay your settling process in your new home.

Financial Implications and Peace of Mind

Moving insurance offers financial protection, ensuring you are not hit with unexpected expenses. More importantly, it provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus on your new beginning rather than worrying about potential mishaps.

How Moving Insurance Works

Understanding how moving insurance works is essential to make the most of your coverage. Here is a step-by-step guide on the process, from selecting a policy to making a claim.

Step-by-Step Process from Policy Selection to Claims

  1. Evaluate Your Belongings:some text
    1. Inventory list: Create a detailed inventory of all items you plan to move. Note the value of each item.
    2. Photos: Take clear photos of valuable items for documentation purposes.
  2. Choose the Appropriate Insurance:some text
    1. Decide between full value protection, released value protection, third-party insurance, or a custom policy based on your needs.
  3. Understand the Terms:some text
    1. Read the policy thoroughly, paying attention to coverage limits, exclusions, and additional costs.
    2. Ask for clarification from the insurance provider or your moving company if needed.
  4. Purchase and Confirm:some text
    1. Finalize your insurance choice and ensure it is documented in your moving contract.
    2. Keep copies of all paperwork for your records.
  5. Move Day:some text
    1. Double-check your inventory list and ensure all items are accounted for before and after the move.
  6. If Damage or Loss Occurs:some text
    1. Notify the moving company immediately.
    2. Document the damage with photos and details about the incident.
  7. File a Claim:some text
    1. Submit a claim to your insurance provider with all necessary documentation (inventory list, photos, original receipts).
    2. Follow up regularly to ensure your claim is processed timely.

Evaluation of Goods

The evaluation of goods primarily depends on the type of moving insurance:

  • Full Value Protection: The value is usually based on the current market value or replacement cost provided by the client.
  • Released Value Protection: The industry standard is $0.60 per pound per item.
  • Third-Party and Custom Policies: These often require appraisals or documented proof of value.

Common Questions About Moving Insurance

Moving insurance can be complex, and it's normal to have questions. Here, we address some of the most common questions to help you better understand your options and responsibilities.

Is Moving Insurance Mandatory?

Legal Requirements and Standard Practices:

  • Moving insurance is not typically mandated by law. However, reputable moving companies often recommend or offer basic coverage to protect themselves and their clients.
  • For peace of mind, obtaining some form of moving insurance is highly advised.

Will My Home Insurance Cover the Move?

Analysis of Home Insurance Policies:

  • Most standard home insurance policies do not cover personal property in transit. It's essential to check your policy or contact your insurance provider.
  • Some home insurance policies might have riders or additional provisions that offer limited coverage for goods being moved, but this is rare.

Situations Where Home Insurance Applies:

  • Temporary storage coverage: If your home insurance policy includes coverage for items in temporary storage, those items may be protected while they are in storage but not during actual transit.
  • Extreme circumstances: Some policies might cover significant disasters like fires or total loss during a move, but this would be an exception, not the rule.

What Does Moving Insurance Not Cover?

Exclusions and Limitations:

  • Pre-existing conditions: Damage or wear existing before the move.
  • Items that are not packed by the moving company: Goods packed by the owner are often excluded from full coverage.
  • Valuables and personal items: Items like jewelry, money, and important documents may not be covered unless specified in a custom policy.
  • Natural disasters: Coverage for damage caused by events like floods, earthquakes, or hurricanes might not be included unless specifically stated.

Delicate Items and Pre-Damaged Goods:

  • Fragile items: Items such as glassware, electronics, and artwork may require special packaging and higher insurance premiums.
  • Already damaged items: If any damage is noted before the move, claims for these items might be denied.

How to Choose the Right Moving Insurance

Choosing the appropriate moving insurance is key to ensuring your belongings are properly protected during the move. Here's a guide to help you select the best coverage for your needs.

Factors to Consider

Several factors determine the best moving insurance for your situation:

  1. Value of Goods:some text
    1. High-value items require more comprehensive coverage.
    2. Conduct an inventory and estimate the value of each item.
  2. Distance of the Move:some text
    1. Long distance moving often has higher risks, necessitating better insurance.
    2. Short-distance moves might only require basic coverage.
  3. Specific Needs:some text
    1. Unique items like antiques, art, or heirlooms may need custom insurance policies.
    2. Fragile goods could benefit from insurance that covers special handling requirements.

Comparison of Different Providers and Policies

When evaluating moving insurance, comparing different providers and policies is crucial:

  • Coverage Options:some text
    • Look for providers that offer full value protection and various levels of third-party insurance.
    • Ensure they cover the specific needs you identified.
  • Cost vs. Benefits:some text
    • Compare the cost of premiums against the coverage benefits.
    • Higher premiums might offer more extensive protection, which could save money in the long run if an accident occurs.
  • Reputation and Reviews:some text
    • Check reviews and ratings of the insurance providers.
    • Look for providers with excellent customer service and a solid track record in handling claims.

Evaluating the Credibility of Insurance Providers

To ensure you choose a reliable insurance provider:

  • Licensing and Accreditation: Make sure the provider is licensed and accredited by relevant industry bodies.
  • Claims Process: Understand how the provider handles claims. A transparent, swift, and fair claims process is a good indicator of reliability.
  • Customer Service: Test their customer service responsiveness by asking questions about policy details and claims processes.

Checklist for Evaluating Insurance Providers:

  • Confirm they are licensed and accredited.
  • Understand their claims process and timelines.
  • Verify their customer service responsiveness and helpfulness.

Tips for Filing Moving Insurance Claims

Filing a moving insurance claim can be straightforward if you follow the right steps. Ensuring you have all necessary documentation and adhere to timelines will improve your chances of a successful claim.

Document Everything

Inventory List and Photos:

  • Create a comprehensive inventory list of all your belongings before the move.
  • Take clear, time stamped photos of valuable items, showing their condition pre-move.

Receipts and Appraisals:

  • Keep receipts for valuable items to verify their worth.
  • For high-value items like antiques, consider getting professional appraisals.

Timely Claims

Deadlines and Time Constraints:

  • Moving insurance policies often have specific timelines within which you must file a claim, typically 30 to 90 days from the move.
  • Report any damage or loss to the moving company immediately upon discovering it.

Prompt Reporting:

  • Address any damage or loss with the moving company’s representative as soon as the move is complete.
  • Ensure any immediate issues are documented in the mover's delivery receipt.

Effective Communication

Contacting the Moving Company and Insurer:

  • Notify both the moving company and the insurance provider about the damage or loss.
  • Provide detailed accounts of the incident, supported by your documented evidence (inventory list, photos, etc.).


  • Regularly follow up on your claim status to ensure it is being processed.
  • Maintain records of all communications, including emails and call logs.

Steps if the Claim is Initially Denied

  1. Review the Denial:some text
    1. Understand why the claim was denied. Look for specifics in the denial letter.
  2. Gather Additional Evidence:some text
    1. Collect more supporting documentation if available, including witness statements and additional photos.
  3. Appeal the Decision:some text
    1. File an appeal if you believe the denial was unjust. Reference the specific terms of your policy that you believe support your claim.
  4. Seek Legal Advice:some text
    1. If necessary, consult with a legal professional who specializes in insurance claims.

Sample Claim Process

  1. Initial Report:some text
    1. Notify the moving company and insurer within 24 hours of discovering the damage.
  2. Submit Documentation:some text
    1. Send your inventory list, photos, receipts, and any other requested documentation to the insurer.
  3. Assessment:some text
    1. The insurer will assess the damage, potentially working with third-party experts.
  4. Resolution:some text
    1. Upon approval, you will receive compensation through repair, replacement, or payment.

Understanding Terms and Conditions:

  • Always read the full policy document. Understand what is and isn't covered.
  • Pay attention to exclusions, limits on payouts, and requirements for coverage to be valid (e.g., items must be professionally packed).

Clarify Ambiguities:

  • If any part of the policy is unclear, ask the provider for clarification.
  • Ensure all verbal promises are reflected in the written policy.

Underestimating the Value of Goods

Accurate Valuation:

  • Make sure to evaluate the true replacement cost of your items.
  • Consider current market values, especially for high-value items.


  • Create an exhaustive inventory list. Consider using apps or software designed for inventory management.
  • Include all items, even small ones, as these can add up in value.

Purchasing Inadequate Coverage

Type of Coverage:

  • Understand the difference between full value protection and released value protection. Choose the one that suits your needs.
  • Consider third-party or custom insurance if you have unique requirements.

Coverage Limits:

  • Ensure the coverage limit meets or exceeds the total value of your belongings.
  • Remember that basic coverage might not be enough for high-value moves.

High-Value and Fragile Items:

  • Inform the insurance provider of any high-value or fragile items. These may need special attention and coverage.
  • Custom insurance policies are often more suitable for such goods.

Missing Deadlines

Policy Purchase Deadlines:

  • Purchase insurance well before the move date to ensure coverage is active.

Claim Filing Deadlines:

  • Note the time frame within which you must report damages or file a claim, usually stated in the policy.

Not Keeping Documentation

Proper Records:

  • Ensure you keep all paperwork, receipts, and communication related to your moving insurance.
  • Documentation is vital for substantiating claims.

Digital Backup:

  • Store scanned copies or photos of all important documents in a secure digital format for easy access.

Hiring a Full-Service Moving Company with Insurance

Choosing a full-service moving company that offers comprehensive insurance options can make your move significantly easier and worry-free. At MyProMovers & Storage, we provide a range of services to ensure your belongings are protected from start to finish.

Benefits of Choosing MyProMovers & Storage

Opting for a full-service moving company like MyProMovers & Storage comes with several advantages:

  1. Comprehensive Services:some text
    1. We handle every aspect of your move, including packing, loading, transporting, and unloading.
    2. Customized packing solutions ensure even your most delicate items are safely packed and moved.
  2. Professional Expertise:some text
    1. Our experienced movers are trained to handle items with care, minimizing the risk of damage.
    2. Knowledgeable staff can guide you on the best moving insurance options tailored to your needs.
  3. Integrated Insurance Options:some text
    1. We offer full value protection, giving you peace of mind knowing your belongings are covered.
    2. Released value protection is also available at no extra cost, providing basic coverage.
  4. Stress-Free Experience:some text
    1. With our full-service approach, you can focus on other aspects of your move while we handle the details.
    2. From heavy lifting to navigating tight spaces, we've got it covered.

Full-Service Offerings with Built-in Insurance

At MyProMovers & Storage, our services include:

  • Packing and Unpacking:some text
    • Our team uses high-quality home packing materials to ensure your items are securely packed and labeled.
    • We can also unpack your items at your new home, setting you up for a smooth transition.
  • Furniture Disassembly and Reassembly:some text
    • We disassemble your furniture for safe transportation and reassemble it at your new location.
  • Temporary Storage Solutions:some text
    • If there’s a gap between your move-out and move-in dates, we offer secure storage services.
  • Specialty Item Handling:some text
    • From pianos to fine art, we have specific protocols to handle specialty items with the care they require.

Safeguard Your Move with MyProMovers & Storage

Moving is a significant life event, often accompanied by a mix of excitement and stress. At MyProMovers & Storage, we understand the importance of ensuring your belongings are protected every step of the way. That’s why we offer comprehensive moving services and robust insurance options tailored to meet your specific needs.

Recap of the Importance of Moving Insurance

Securing the right moving insurance is essential for several reasons:

  • Financial Protection: Moving insurance shields you from the financial burden of replacing or repairing damaged items.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing your belongings are covered allows you to focus on settling into your new home.
  • Professional Handling: With insurance, you can rest assured that professionals will handle your items with the utmost care.
  • Custom Options: Whether you need basic protection or specialized coverage for high-value items, moving insurance offers flexibility.

Why Choose MyProMovers & Storage?

  • Experienced Team: Our skilled movers are trained in best practices for packing, handling, and transporting items.
  • Tailored Solutions: We offer a range of insurance options, including full value protection and released value protection, ensuring you get the coverage you need.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: We prioritize your satisfaction. Our transparent processes and customer support ensure a smooth moving experience.
  • Local Expertise: MyProMovers & Storage a full-service moving company based in Northern Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC, we know the area well and can navigate any challenges that might arise.

Frequently Asked Questions About Moving Insurance

Navigating moving insurance can be complex and often leads to numerous questions. Here, we address some frequently asked questions to provide you with a better understanding and clear any doubts you might have.

What Factors Affect the Cost of Moving Insurance?

Several factors impact the cost of moving insurance, including:

  • Value of Belongings: Higher value items will result in higher insurance costs.
  • Distance of the Move: Longer distances generally increase the risk and thus the cost.
  • Type of Coverage: Full value protection costs more than released value protection due to the extensive coverage it offers.
  • Additional Riders: Specific items like antiques or electronics may require additional riders, increasing the cost.

Are Electronics Covered by Moving Insurance?

Electronics are typically covered, but it depends on the policy:

  • Full Value Protection: Covers repair, replacement, or cash settlement for electronics.
  • Released Value Protection: Limited to $0.60 per pound, which is insufficient for most electronics.
  • Custom Policies: Tailored policies can offer specific coverage for high-value electronics, ensuring adequate protection.

Can I Purchase Moving Insurance After My Move Has Started?

Most insurance providers require you to purchase moving insurance before the move begins. Some companies may offer limited post-move options, but these are rare and typically come with higher premiums.

Will Moving Insurance Cover Storage?

Temporary Storage Coverage:

  • Some policies include coverage for items placed in temporary storage during the transit period.
  • Verify the duration and terms of coverage for storage with your insurance provider.

Does Moving Insurance Cover Items Packed by the Owner?

Many moving insurance policies have specific conditions for items packed by the owner:

  • Full Value Protection: Often requires professional packing for full coverage.
  • Released Value Protection: May not cover owner-packed items.
  • Third-Party Insurance: Check specific policy details, as some may offer partial coverage.